5 years of Climate change Certification by Ecocert at Total Fabrication!

Posted on 22/04/2021

5 ans de certification Engagement Climat par Ecocert!

This year, we celebrate 5 years of Climate Engagement Certification by Ecocert at Total Fabrication!

To uphold this certification, signifies so much for us (and our planet)!

It's not simply a logo that appears on our product labels.

It's concrete actions put in place by our manufacturer, Total Fabrication.

This signifies that on top of fabricating biodegradable products, made with natural ingredients that are safe for everyone, at Total Fabrication, the carbon transition is at the heart of our company's strategy. According to us, it's also how change can be operated.

What is Engagement Climat certification?

Each year, we renew our certification by seeing through our entire protocol involving our greenhouse gas for everything that has to do with our activities, from close or from afar. This includes calculating the amount of our own GHG emissions for all of our activities. We also strive to reduce our emissions of GHG. Finally, the compensation of all or part of our emissions of GHG.

In other words, this certification can be translated by us being aware of the impact our activities have on this planet. Our company's main goal is to constantly be better and to reduce its ecological footprint.

It doesn't stop here!

We are proud to add every year new initiatives to our list of concrete actions to improve our planet's well-being

In 2020, by teaming up, we've tried to change or to maintain actions that respect every level of our 5R pyramid, straight from our fabrication factory:

• Refuse: This year, we've ordered on a few occasions take-out and have always refused disposable cutlery and condiment packets.
• Reduce: In both our cafeterias, we eliminated cardboard coffee cups. All of our staff only uses real mugs, who all had a previous life before making it to our facility.
• Re-use: Obviously, the whole team fills up again and again their bottles of Pure products in bulk at our store annexed to our factory. Even our maintenance employee has her own bulk station at her work station!

• Reinvent: We acquired a machine that transforms our old cardboard box into protective material when we ship our clients online purchases. No place for waste!
• Recycle: Our recycle bins are clearly identified in both of our cafeterias and we invite our team to participate in the task « where does it go? » from Recyc-Québec. All cans are returned (and the money is given back entirely to our social club!). We also recuperate all the coffee grounds in the machine which we then use to compost.

For more information concerning the certification of Climate Engagement, please visitle site web d’Ecocert!

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